
YOUR Success Starts Here TODAY!

United Kingdom 🇬🇧 orders only

  • Each Felopio kit includes:
  • Pre-Made Herbal Tampons or Herbal Mixture to Put the Tampons Together Yourself
  • Fountain flush
    Fountain Douche for Felopio Flush
    Fountain flush included with first kit.
    and chamomile tea
    Chamomile Tea for Felopio Flush
    Chamomile tea is included with all orders. One tea bag for each day of flushing.

Pick Your Felopio Option Bellow

Felopio - With Pre-Made Tampons

The Convenience Kit - 20 days
small jar

£298 GBP
*£27 GBP for Shipping

  • tampon

    20 Pre-Made Tampons in one pack for 20 days
    Lasts approximately 1 monthly cycle
  • Fountain Douche for Felopio Flush

    Fountain for Flushes
  • Chamomile Tea for Felopio Flush

    One cycle of chamomile tea for the flushes

Felopio - You Make The Tampons

The Original Kit - 20+ days
small jar

£199 GBP
*£27 GBP for Shipping

  • tampon

    One Herbal Mixture Jar to make 20+ tampons
    Lasts approximately 1 monthly cycle
  • Fountain Douche for Felopio Flush

    Fountain for Flushes
  • Chamomile Tea for Felopio Flush

    One cycle of chamomile tea for the flushes
Order Now

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When you order Felopio you also get:

  • Easy to Follow Instructions Guide
    Don't Worry. It is easy!

    "It's easy to prepare and haven't had problems at all!" - Juliet, USA
  • Support 7 Days a Week
    Live Person to Assist Your With Your Procedures

    "Thank you so much for always responding" - Vera, USA

    Call us Monday to Friday from 11 am to 11 pm EST. Email or text support on weekends and holidays.
  • Fast Free Delivery with 100 % Assurance
    Delivered Felopio Kit
    Deliveries are guaranteed. Non-delivery is not an option for us!
  • Discounts on any orders after two cycles
    Everyone is unqiue and some of you may need longer procedures. We want to see you succeed! Price reductions after two months if you need a longer cleansing.