Words can not describe our sincere gratitude to Maria and her family for bringing hope into our world over four years ago.
Our experience of trying to conceive is too long a journey for this testimonial, but my husband and I were not about to give up hope after a heartbreaking conversation with my gynecologist. My endometriosis was bad, my ovaries covered in cysts and my right tube completely blocked. I had spent a lifetime (17 years after my first diagnosis) of constant monitoring, multiple operations and little advice on how to conceive other than IVF. Anyone who knows this journey understands the roller coaster of tears and heartbreak including the never ending waves of hormonal outbursts!!!
We were still determined to conceive naturally as I always believed at some level, your body can heal itself with the right diet, exercise, herbs etc. During my search one evening I found the Felopio website. I had only heard of this method through a conversation with an acupuncturist, so knew very little of what it really entailed. I had read the many testimonials on Maria's website and to be honest, counted the cost of private IVF in the UK and thus decided to give my body time to heal and take Maria's instructions literally.
I was surprised by what I found in the bath each night during my flush which gave me confidence that stuff was moving, within six weeks of completing the course my husband and I conceived naturally. Unfortunately by week nine of my pregnancy I had a missed miscarriage. Tests run by my gynaecologist found an extra chromosome, and that my body didn't continue with the pregnancy. He did however give me some brilliant advice, not to wait before trying again. If you produce a period then your body is ready again. I had some tampons left from my first course of Felopio so I continued (after being convinced the first time around). A month after completing the remaining Tampons, I became pregnant with our Son. He was born two years ago, and is the joy of our life.
My husband and I are honestly blessed to have our son, after such a long journey. For the record, during the first trimester of both pregnancies my gynaecologist confirmed that my right ovary released the egg, the same ovary that he had diagnosed blocked.
We honestly believe that our experience with using Felopio is how I was able to conceive at the age of 37, thank you so VERY much Maria and family. You gave us so much hope with the Felopio product, when we were heartbroken by my diagnosis.
Wishing anyone reading this, all the best and I honestly hope you have the same outcome that we have been so fortunate to have.
Lots of Love
Lauren and Paul